Thursday, March 28, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Niantic woman experiences the nightmare of Lyme disease

                So familiar, and we have the same doctor now.
         Niantic woman experiences the nightmare of Lyme disease

Lyme Detox Review

    A quick list to review detox options:
1. drinks such as water, lemon water, and green tea
2. take hot steam showers - drink h2o
3. take hot Epsom Salt Baths - drink h2o
4. poncho on, with feet in a bucket of hot water (watch internal temp, low grade only,
    for a short time, alt. with cool down) drink h2o
5. sauna - drink h2o
6. massage - drink h2o
7. hydro therapy - drink h2o
8. no processed white sugar
9. no gluten
10. take antioxidants such as Omega 3s, Vit. C, Bs, D and more
11. eat healthy; mostly veggies, fruit, yogurts, nuts, green leafy foods, etc.

    I try to do all of these. One day I hope to get it right. Please fill me in on detox methods I have not included.

AquaTherapy/HydroTherapy for Lyme Patients

      I may have made up AquaTherapy, but it is the same as HydroTherapy.
     A couple of details I didn't mention. The same as when you have a massage, when done with Hydro Therapy, you must drink a lot of water. This flushes the gunk out of your lymph's, through your liver and kidneys and out of your body. I was intensely thirsty a few times afterward, and drank  quite a bit. I kept my body well watered.
     Just as an interesting side, massage is a viable detox as well. Way back when I was working and had good insurance, but no Lyme treatment, I had massages every two weeks. I had to be very careful who worked on me though. If uneducated about the frailty of the muscles and joints, damage can be done. Pain can be deep, and hurt for a long time. So, I had the lymph expert work on me. She was very gentle, and worked my lymph system, draining me. It was very effective. However, I did go through a pretty intense herx afterward. It took two - three days to get over it, but then I felt great for a while.
     As I go along I realize just how powerful and important it is to keep my body well detoxed at all times. It may not be a cure, but then again, what is?? If this helps me be active and feel better, even for a while (until needed again), then I am all for it.

Friday, March 22, 2013

AquaTherapy Update

      I am impressed. The difference in how I feel is unimaginable more than I would have asked for. Here's the only detox issue hanging on; my left lower intestinal area is still a bit inflamed and sore. I had this IBS as it is/was called for years without knowing what is was or what was causing it. So, it is an early symptom coming back to haunt me. And much of it due to diet. Which, I have to admit, with company over the weekend, I did kind of vary from my regulated diet. For whatever reason, the Aqua Therapy intensified this and I am still having some pain there. Otherwise I feel better than I have in weeks or maybe months. And it is so simple if you think about it! Water. Hot and cold water. Used the right way, in the right sequence, it is invaluable.
       I was informed of two other ways to achieve a steam bath. The cool off period is a little more difficult to achieve when doing this on my own. When taking a shower, the water can be turned hot and then noticeably cooler in the same sequence. Not as effective, but I figure a good way to do a daily quickie. The other method is to have a large hooded poncho, and a tub of hot water. Put on the poncho with the hood, and sit in a chair with your feet in the hot water. Make a tent over the hot water. Alternate with a short cool down.
       Simple, right? I'll let you know.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

AquaTherapy Detox

    I have never heard of it before. Aqua Therapy. A detoxifying process for the liver, kidneys, and lymph nodes. It sounded good to me. My friend explained the detoxifying process, so I gave it a try. Glad I did.
    Here's the procedure, as I received it. First, you lay on a massage bed, left side down, right side up. This way, the liver is on the upper side, and both kidneys can be reached. A couple of specially made wool towels are laid in water that is 200 degrees. One towel is placed over the right upper side, and down over the back, covering all organs. This stays on for 3 minutes. It is then replaced with a cold towel press for 30 seconds. This part was accompanied by a lot of wincing. The whole process is repeated six times.
     Second, is the upper lymph nodes. Lying on my back, the hot towel press was laid under my chin and around my neck. It stayed on 3 minutes, and the cold press for 30 seconds. This was repeated six times as well. The whole event took about an hour.
      I admit I was sceptic, but no more. Yes, I have had some uncomfortable 'cleansing' of the toxins. However, the left lymph node on my neck is back to it's normal size for the first time in over a decade. I feel much better. Less nauseous, less stiff, more energy, more hunger. All good.
      Here is as much as I understand, you may want to investigate it yourself as well. First, you start with the liver and kidney's to drain them and clean them out, getting them ready for the gunk in the lymph nodes to have someplace to drain to. There are more particulars about the hot/cold stimulating the immune system, and an increase in white blood cells, hence more fighting men in there to KILL KILL KILL the infection. All I know is that for the past few weeks I have felt lousy, and have felt sick. I have detoxed, yes, with Epsom salt baths, teas, lemon water, water, etc., but this was like a wham bam double punch to jump start the body.
       Lesson for the day: I need to detox more often and more intensely.

Worldwide Lyme Protest - Australia 2013
Worldwide Lyme Protest - Australia 2013

WOW. Mind boggling.
The first video of the protest. Go Lymies, Go.

Monday, March 11, 2013

TBDA show Response

      I just finished watching the TBDA 'show', as they called it, (appropriately) and can't resist a few comments. First of you should know that concentrating that long (1 1/2 hrs.) has made my brain go into the 'brain fog' stage they spoke about. So, I will keep it short for today.
      I just had to shake my head at the first slide shown which said 60-75% of all Lyme patients have the bulls eye rash. NOT. How can they ignore all the patients and other research that has shown this not to be true. In my research, I look at all sides of the issue.  The consensus  I have come to is that approximately 30% of patients present with a rash, never mind a bulls eye rash. Old information that is just plain wrong. I certainly never saw a rash and I tested positive by CDC standards only after sending my blood off to a reputable lab. I had my blood tested a number of times before, with only one or two LD bands showing. I was refused treatment. Thanks, Cornell for spreading that myth worldwide.
       Secondly, they claim it takes 3-5 days for the spirochete to reach the brain. What a crock. The spirochete can get into the bloodstream in seconds, and reach the brain in hours. Again, this comes from my well rounded study of many researches.
       I think all the presenters believe the recent CDC guidelines are correct! They say it is based on research which does not conclude that Bb and co-infections need more treatment than the three weeks. Wish that was true for me. And so many others I have had contact with. Makes me mad.
      The panel continued to refute other research such as the Embers monkey research. They would not agree that lyme infections can persist actively after treatment. Even after IV treatment.
       That's about it for me. I will say there was very interesting information on upcoming research looking at diagnostic markers and test development. I pray the right person is doing the research and presenting a true tool.
       I had thought for some reason TBDA was on the same track as the research which is out there in other places. Evidently I was wrong. Another fine example of the competition between researchers to be THE ONE to find the 'cure', 'test', 'marker', 'effective treatment'.
       Oiy Vey

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thank God that's over. (I hope)

    I just love  a good herx. One of my favorite things to go through. NOT. This time I had various symptoms as described in last couple of posts. It went on for about three or four days. Don't tell my doctor, but I stopped my meds. two days early because I could not take the nausea. Even though, I experienced the herx full through. I think. I am still uncomfortable and my left shoulder and neck have a severe burning sensations. So, it may not be over, or it may be an 'episode' that will go on for a while. I just never know.
   What I do know is that it feels good to move on from the nausea because that is one thing I can't take. There is nothing one can do to get away from it. Same with a fever. It makes me unable to function. And, even after all these years, I still take a day or so to realize it's the fever making me feel bad. My fevers run from 99 - 102. (my normal temp is 97.4) As soon as the fever lifts I have energy. So I go like crazy, then up pops the fever again. One of these days I'll learn to lay low long enough to really be well before I get going again. My fever lifted yesterday, came back last night, and now today seems to be gone, although I overdid it today again. It's just that it is so hard to be the one (for years, and in my case decades), who is too tired, too sick, too stiff, too feverish, too brain dead to be of any good to anyone. I believe even above the very serious pain I have been in, not being able to help, to feel like I am contributing, is the hardest thing.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Add sweats to that

     Nausea, yes. low grade fever, yes. confusion, yes. clumsiness, yes.
     sweats, yes. Soaks between my ribs, yes.
     Herx, YES.
     Menopause, no. I know my herxes.
     Go, body, go! Fight, fight, fight!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Makes me Nauseous

nausea. nausea. nausea. nausea. vomit. nausea. nausea. ginger tea. nausea. sleep. wake nauseous. nausea. nausea, nausea.....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I'm Tired

       I haven't been feeling great for a while, those bugs must have become active during my holiday.  It amazes me that after all the years of treatment, time, and all the money spent, that they still live in me! Gross!
      Apparently, as I mentioned before, the thought is, that I am still harboring bio-films. The hardest place to root out spirochetes is from inside a bio-film. I have no idea, truthfully, but I picture the bio-film as being somewhat like frogs eggs in a pond. A covering that is viscus, gel like, and strong. Every once in a while, something triggers my symptoms to raise their ugly head, because spirochetes have exited the biofilm, and are munching. It can be any symptom, depending I suppose, where ever the spirochete lives, it will start there for nourishment. I wish I could pin point them in my brain so I could see the area where they are vs. the symptoms I have.
     This time around I have had just no energy at all. I wanted to sleep all the time. I have pain in my neck and shoulder. Always a sign that a 'good one' is coming. Yesterday I spent the day in bed with more nausea than I knew what to do with. Epsom Salt baths every night roots them out, but risks a herx, or increase one already in progress. But then, that's the name of this game.