Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lyme Less Live More!

     I came across this yesterday, and cannot get it to go to my blog, but we need to know! Go to to find out what's coming for us this month! Great interviews, and alternative lifestyles for Lymies. Great simulcast coming up. Register at we-site. Also, get an update on Dana, from UOS, she is heading this up. So GREAT to see a fellow sufferer doing BETTER!!!! Yeah! Let's continue to pour our focus into our Lyme - NOT! At least let's look at LIFE again! xxooxxooxxooxx

Lyme Disease in the US -- 10 Times Higher Than Reported

Lyme Disease in the US -- 10 Times Higher Than Reported

AMAZING. So glad she talks about the MTHFR mutation. Hmmm, the more I research that, the more I understand my particular situation.