Tuesday, September 17, 2013
lacctoferrin/xylitol effects
OK, there now, so I am doing better than in my last post and I will just leave it at that. I knew something was up, but I was all confused about dates of treatment so I didn't put it all together. I had two weeks of treatment with the new lacctoferrin/xylitol, and it ended on a Thursday instead of a Saturday. That's all it took and I was thinking I had been on holiday for a week when it had only been four days. (Fri-Mon.) I wrote that last post right after that. Here's the thing; I did not feel well, but I wasn't recognizing it as a herx. Instead of the usual, pain and nausea, etc., I was feeling flue-y, thought I had a low grade fever for days, was irritable, emotional, and had stiff man. My stomach just wouldn't feel right. It wasn't until I was writing in my daily medical journal (I have 12 years worth of history in them) when I realized that it had only been a few days after treatment that I was feeling gross. It struck me this was a herx, a little different, but a herx, undeniably.
I also realized that the laccroferrin/xylitol treatment had worked. When I was taking it, I was thinking, "this doesn't seem to be doing anything". Yeah, right. I am guessing that the biofilms were indeed getting broken by the treatment, and the 'afterwash' of spirochetes running for their lives, toxins being released, and symptoms showing, that
ah haaaaaa, it was indeed a hex. It lasted a long time, and I still feel a bit 'heavy with toxins', but much better in all the other ways.
You would think by now I would recognize a good old herx when it happens. I have come to know, though I seem to forget, that symptoms of a herx ARE NOT ALWAYS THE SAME. I truly believe it depends on where in the brain or body the bugs are being killed off. Where ever the bugs are found when killed, or broken up, messes with the signals in that area. This is why we can show different symptoms in herxes.
I am taking this as a good sign now, though not fun. It means we are moving around, killing off those little buggers in different places. Oh will it ever end? Yes, I am willingly taking the treatment because it works and I have gotten so much better than I have been in over a decade, but it is still hard to do. I can look back over my medical journals and see the sequence of herxes and the symptoms I had with them. One day I will put it all together in a comprehensive sequential book. Now won't that be a fun read?
I'm fine, just venting and surviving. Feeling much better last couple of days. I have learned to wait it all out.
Blue skies here today in Maine and I am going to make some pesto with fresh basil that needs to be picked. Plus ,my neighbor brought me some last night, so it will be a nice big batch. yum! Yesterday I had another neighbor bring over raspberries from her garden, so I mad a gluten free (cane and artificial) sugar free crumble to die for. I used some raspberries and basil in my antioxidant water and yum! You should try raspberries seeping all night, it is so good on the gut, and surprisingly I am hooked on basil or sage in there. They add great antioxidants and flavor. I never knew.. but now I do. We may even go to lunch today, on the water because it is so pretty out. Maine, I love you!
um, spell check not working.......
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