Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tick Talk Ireland supports worldwide lyme disease protest

 Look this up on You Tube, worth it. The name of the video is above. You may also find it    at the worldwide protest web site or FB page.
 The pic of the doc seen is my doctor in D. C., all the way from Ireland.

"How goes my treatment?"

      I am happy to say my treatment is going very well right now! Since finishing up the heavy duty treatment for both Borreliosis and Babesia, I am reaping the benefits.  I love when this happens. It is a slow process of feeling good a few days, then, if treatment is working, the good days stretch longer, and the sick days decrease. I've been experiencing this a long time. (see first blog entries) Here is the best part; since enduring the winter treatment plan, I now feel terrific, and haven't felt this way in a very, very long time. Many years, as a matter of fact.
       I ended my winter plan in April, had three plus weeks off, then began the new treatment plan, a much lighter one. It was much more easily endured, and herxing was light, happening the last three days of the two week plan. Now I am off treatment, for three weeks. It will be a good measure of how well I can hold my own. I'll be doing the two weeks 'on' (but only three days a week) and three weeks 'off' all summer, so I will be posting how I hold up. I have not had a three week 'off' cycle since beginning treatment. This helping to build up my own bodies ability to fight the infection on it's own, and helps gauge how much bacteria, etc. has been irradiated. How well I hold up during extended 'off' cycles is an indicator of a number of things. Detox is the name of the game even more now. I am in a good place to finish my goal of maintaining a healthy liver and lymph system so detoxing on my own can be effective.
      I am praying this is truly the beginning of the end, and I hold up. If so, I decrease treatment once again when I go back to my doctor in August. Meanwhile it just plain feels good to feel good.

Lyme disease: Price skyrockets for doxycycline antibiotic | Minnesota Public Radio News

Lyme disease: Price skyrockets for doxycycline antibiotic | Minnesota Public Radio News
 Great. What else can happen to delay treatment? Ugh.