I have been quiet for a while, since my last go-round with lacctoferrin/zylitol. I have been extremely tired and worn out. I am sitting, sleeping, zoning out. I have been imagining that the role of the lacc/zy protocol is to break up biofilms and release the bugs so we can kill them. In my simplistic way, I see all those gross little colonies being broken down and torn up so the biofilms are 'dissolved and the spirochetes are free to roam. Remember, this is microscopic. The spirochetes roam around until killed, or go in to feed somewhere else. CREEPY.
So, since there was so much tearing going on, (because obviously this does work to break biofilms) there has to be a lot of repair going on too. I think between all three stages, my body is just plain working very, very hard and I am tired. My body has been working very hard for many many years to just keep itself going. That's how it feels anyway. I do know that the repair will keep happening and everyday I am stronger once again, but the house is a little messy and there not as much food on the stove..... ahhh well, this too shall pass. Repair away! I can wait, better days are ahead!!!