Disability was a long hard row to hoe, but I did eventually receive it. I hate that I get it, and I am grateful I get it. Hate it because I would rather earn my own money thank you, and grateful, because I know I really can't earn the money. So disability helps, thank you, even if just a little.
I was rejected the first time I applied for disability. The second form they give you to fill out is about 20 pages long and asks detailed questions about your ability to function. This worked more to my advantage than not. Things I could not express in the shorter first application were coming up in this application. Then, in a stroke of genius, I decided to send with my application, a research paper from my doctor in Boston. This paper was written describing the bands in the Western Blot test, and what each band number means. Bottom line for me, was that his research showed several bands from the test ONLY show up if you have the spirochete in you. I had two of these bands. In another stroke of kindness from above, the person who reviewed my application and research the second time, was a doctor who actually understood the research paper. This is not an easy task! He approved my disability. Sometimes I wonder, if I may not have been the first person in Maine to be approved for disability, for Chronic Lyme Disease.