The past few days have been filled with nausea, fatigue and even low grade fevers. I was under a comforter, blanket, flannel sheets and even had a heavy sweater on over my 6 layers of clothes. That's one way I know it is a fever. Can't get warm. I laid down most of the day. I had been doing my typical daily detoxing but it was time for a deep detox. So, I spent an hour in a HOT Epsom Salt bath, with herb and fruit filled water to drink. Nice. I didn't feel great right away, but this morning I am moving more easily and no fever or extreme fatigue. BTY; when I do ES (about 2 cups/high bath water),
I rotate between sitting in very hot water to lifting my body into cold air. Hot/cold is good for getting the lymph system to drain.. I even hold my nose and dip my head a few times. I make sure the water is high enough to reach the lymph nodes in my neck, and my liver gets hot/cold too. With the hot/cold, and steam bath, ES, drink, and a day in bed, I am doing better. It just seems I almost forget how bad it can be when poof, it comes out again. I have another week or so before I begin the lacctiferrin/zylitol protocol once more, and that will bring on another challenge. Bring it on!