Holiday over, new treatment cycle starts tomorrow. This time I had limited herxing. A big change from the past. No longer do I have the night sweats, nightmares, heart palpitations, blackouts, Lyme Comas, the list could go on. However, I still get anxious starting a new treatment cycle. It is tricky business to keep everything in balance. It means sticking to my supplement schedule every day, at the specific times, most beneficial. It means detoxing daily, to decrease the herxing during holiday. (steam baths/Epsom salt baths/green tea/lemon water/ and especially finding limited exercise to make me sweat it out.) It means sticking very close to my diet. (which I have been slacking off on this holiday) It means taking all prescriptions at all the right times. It means taking all antibiotics and supports at all the right times. Like I said it is a lot of work, and a delicate balance. Even though I know this is a good thing, it is going to create a sickness of sorts as I kill off and detox the bugs etc. from my body.
No rest for the weary, on or off treatment. Thank God I have improved or there would be no incentive to go on.