I just love a good herx. One of my favorite things to go through. NOT. This time I had various symptoms as described in last couple of posts. It went on for about three or four days. Don't tell my doctor, but I stopped my meds. two days early because I could not take the nausea. Even though, I experienced the herx full through. I think. I am still uncomfortable and my left shoulder and neck have a severe burning sensations. So, it may not be over, or it may be an 'episode' that will go on for a while. I just never know.
What I do know is that it feels good to move on from the nausea because that is one thing I can't take. There is nothing one can do to get away from it. Same with a fever. It makes me unable to function. And, even after all these years, I still take a day or so to realize it's the fever making me feel bad. My fevers run from 99 - 102. (my normal temp is 97.4) As soon as the fever lifts I have energy. So I go like crazy, then up pops the fever again. One of these days I'll learn to lay low long enough to really be well before I get going again. My fever lifted yesterday, came back last night, and now today seems to be gone, although I overdid it today again. It's just that it is so hard to be the one (for years, and in my case decades), who is too tired, too sick, too stiff, too feverish, too brain dead to be of any good to anyone. I believe even above the very serious pain I have been in, not being able to help, to feel like I am contributing, is the hardest thing.
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