Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Lyme Day Today

      Today has been kind of hard. I started in on low grade fevers a couple of days ago. Lower back pain and mid spine pain. I can now tell if the pain is deep in the spine or inflammation around the disks. That's how long I have been experiencing this.
     Today is the kind of day I don't even tell my family about anymore. I just slug through and pretend I feel OK. They are so sick of my being sick, I feel like I don't want to say it anymore. I feel like a sub-par (to put it mildly) mother and wife and daughter. I can't be as active and energetic as I was way back when they were younger.
     Today I have to pray, lay, and fight.
     Today I need to remind myself that for decades I could not walk without feeling like I had no feet and I was walking on my exposed ankle bones. ouch. I had no appetite, I slept hours and hours and hours. I was confused, got lost driving, got pretty depressed and discouraged. Every joint in my body ached. I had headaches for days at a time. Etc., etc.. I was slowly dying, being eaten alive by parasites and bacteria. I spent many a night on the couch begging God to lift this from me. There was more than one tear.
    Today I am remembering that God lead me to a doctor who is helping me.
    Today was kind of a good day, in retrospect.

1 comment:

  1. I now realize I had no idea of what your disease has felt like, and for how long. You do so well compensating when you want to join in on life, even though inside you are fighting. I am amazed by your strength, and by your quiet gentle spirit. Will be praying for you more and know that I am cheering you on from the sidelines my friend :)
