Friday, February 22, 2013

my dog

     I never know what the day will be like when I get up. This morning, out of the blue, my dog has a seizure. Turns out the seizure went on a total of about 1/2 hour. She was contorted and looked very strange. In between she would rest, and pant, for a few minutes before seizing again.I have never witnessed a seizure before, but my friend, Debi has a dog who has seizures. She told me you just have to be with them until it is over. Their dog was immediately better, walking around afterward. We went off to the vet after a phone call, and learned a lot about seizures. Her seizure could have been life threatening, because it went on so long. If it happens again off to the vet again we go, right away.
     In my little Lyme world, steam was coming out my ears from thinking. I know Hallie had a positive Lyme test when she was a puppy. She was treated right away with three weeks of Doxycycline. I know seizures can be a part of Lyme. I  take seizure medication myself. She has shown no other symptoms though. The vet said dogs who have epilepsy usually have their first  seizure around the age of 3-4. Hallie is 31/2.
     Hallie was down and exhausted all day after that. She was lying down with all limbs and head just glued to the floor.
      Today I noticed a very sullen looking dog. Then she raised her front paw the same she did during the seizure. She did not go any further. It is like she knows she is not the same. She is looking sad today. Lying by herself and not playing. I feel so bad for her.

1 comment:

  1. We recently found out Hallies mother suffers from seizures too. Seems hereditary here.
