I have so many doctor's reports that I fill several files with them. I will try my best to keep them in sequence. This of course goes on for years, so I am afraid it will take several posts to cover it.
(June) So much pain and stiffness/weakness, I could not lift a gallon of milk. I made an apt. with my wonderful family physician, but he was not in that day. Instead, I had a P.A.. God was with me. She looked me over, asked me what was wrong. I told her I felt like either I had been hit by a truck or beaten with a baseball bat. All joints hurt, head hurt, I was shaky, weak, feverish, red in the face, etc. etc.. She immediately diagnosed me with Lyme Disease and put me on an antibiotic. She also did a Western Blot. No Elisa. Well, you know there is something up when the doctor calls you and asks you to come in to review the test results. It seems, the result showed and old infection and a new one. This was the first time I began to put the pieces together. I had both IgM and IgG antibody results. (this I will explain at a later time, when I get into test results and what they really mean) Now, understand, most people would dismiss this as unimportant, BUT, because I had this P.A., on this day, she knew what she was looking at. Why? Because she had Lyme Disease herself. Now, I was off to what turned out to be a long, discouraging journey of "yes you do", "no you don't" have Lyme disease. I was put on Biaxin and Plaquinel by this P.A. under the supervision of her specialist in Boston. (just FYI, this PA decided to leave the practice due to pressure from other doctors about her diagnosis of Lyme Disease with patients. They did not believe. I'll leave it at that)
(Dec.) MRI to rule out MS. This was just the beginning of the denial on the part of the doctors I was seeing. Of course it came out fine.
(Dec.) Apt. with an internist/infectious disease specialist at a local hospital. Result: maybe it is arthritis, it is not an infectious disease. There were so many mistakes in his report it was ridiculous. How could a professional doctor get it all so wrong?
OK, maybe one year at a time. I am getting tired, it actually takes me along time to pull out all my reports and put them in order, and write the basics. I have come a very long way in the last year, but if I push it, I still get mentally and physically tired. I'll stop so I can try to be productive the rest of the day, and have enough energy to make dinner later.
PS - I saved every little report, blood test, etc.., that I have had done, since the day I found out it was Lyme. I highly recommend everyone with Lyme do this. Also, keep a journal of your symptoms daily. Just a sentence if that is all you can do. I have 10 years worth of all of these. One day I hope to be able to make sense of the horrid journey this has become. If we all work together, we may make headway in the push for an understanding of this infection. (I prefer to call it an infection, not disease)
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