Wednesday, June 27, 2012


    In my twenties I noticed I fell asleep during the day, everyday. I had to fight to stay awake long enough to get somewhere I could nap. This concerned me but it was no red flag. My first bout with serious brain fog was in my senior year of highschool. (before 1982) After a literally 10 hr. hike in the middle of the night. I was tired, and life got fuzzy. I figured everyone else there felt the same. Then, after my wedding, I had brain fog for weeks. Beat out only by the months of it after having my two children. Again, I thought everyone in those circumstances felt that way.  Later, after having both kids, when I was feeling tired all the time, I got the famous "you're the mother of two kids, what do you want?". I believed them. I was having a lot of joint pain by then and was noticing I was finding it hard to keep up with everything. I worked as long as I could, up into my forties. So this was a very difficult time in my life.
    By my mid-thirties, I had been having regular fevers, and soaking night sweats to go along with the fatigue, brain fog, and joint pain. I had an exceptional fever at one point and went to my doctor. Except my doctor was not in that day. The P.A. saw my state and the amount of pain I was in. She ordered a Western Blot Lyme Disease Test. I'd never heard of it. I recieved a phone call from the office asking that I come in immediately and speak with the P.A.. I did, and she confirmed I had Lyme disease. Her concern was the test showed both IGg and IGm positive bands, so she thought I might have had this disease for a long time. After this, my own research began and all the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place.  This P.A. put me in contact with a doctor in Boston who was a specialist. He was her Lyme doctor too.

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