Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Yolanda's Blog ... and true confessions

Yolanda Isn't Looking for a Realtor | Yolanda H. Foster | The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Blog

You know, at first I thought this Yolanda thing was going to be the end of us. But she did it! She let it go, and her blog is honest and filled with EVERYDAY Lymie incidences and feelings. So, I am sorry Yolanda, I was wrong and you deserve to be one of our spokespersons. Thank you.
This link goes to her well done blog.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Journey Thru Lyme - Anger & Chronic Illness


You need to click on title to watch the video of Logan!!
He is in the Shenandoah Mountains right now.

LYME COMMUNITY: This video of Logan is genuinely important in our joint quest for the recognition of Chronic Infection due to Bb.

Just another person who is part of the PIIB!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Patient Initiated Information Boom

     There is sooo much LYME information out there now, that I really have to consider all facts, all sides. I feel extremely lucky to be able to so. It has not always been that way. The post before this, is ONE example of all the
deeply varied,
and journaling
in our OWN
data collection.
Wow. We rock, and we, together with good research, good doctors, and honest patients, we are gaining ground in every way. Slow, yes. Questions? You bet.
But be on the lookout, and keep detoxing! :)

Lyme Disease Treatment Guidelines - Treat Lyme and Associated Diseases

Lyme Disease Treatment Guidelines - Treat Lyme and Associated Diseases

I AM SO IMPRESSED! The information, research and just plain intelligent thought that has come out of the Lyme patient community is top notch. It's all over. Underground.